Estimated Delivery Time
Delivery within the UAE typically takes 3-4 days once your order has been processed. Delivery times for international orders will depend on location. No deliveries will be made on Fridays or public holidays.

Order Tracking
If a tracking number is provided by the courier, we will update your order with the tracking information.

Delivery Rates and Destinations
The rate charged for the delivery of your order is based on the weight and/or size of your order, and your location. Before the final checkout page you will be shown what the delivery cost will be, and you will have a chance to change your order if you choose.

Delivery is available to all UAE cities and towns, however, additional charges apply for deliveries to the Western Region. will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.

Multiple transactions may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.

Out of Stock
All orders are subject to availability. We do our best to accurately track inventory, however, occasionally we sell out of items before online orders can be filled. If an item you have ordered is not available, we will contact you to ask if you would like a refund or
1. the out of stock item sent when it becomes available. No additional delivery charges will be applied if the full order is already paid.  OR
2. An alternative item of the same value to be delivered.

Damaged Goods 
If you receive your order and it has been damaged during transit, please contact us immediately at  so we can resolve the issue.

Pentapyramid will not deal with or provide any services or products to any of sanctioned countries in accordance with the law of UAE.